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Verdi vs Wagner


Abono de Iniciación

Programa 03

Verdi vs Wagner.

Erik Nielsen, director.
Lester Lynch, barítono.

Entradas de última hora


GIUSEPPE VERDI (1813 – 1901)

La forza del destino, Obertura.

Macbeth, “Pietà, rispetto, amore” [Acto IV Escena 5].
Lester Lynch, barítono

Aida, "Marcha triunfal y Ballet" [Acto II].

Otello, “Credo in un Dio crudel” [Acto II Escena 2].     
Lester Lynch, barítono


RICHARD WAGNER (1813 – 1883)

Lohengrin, Preludio del Acto I.

Die Walküre, Cabalgata de las Walkirias [Acto III Escena I].

Die Walküre, Adiós de Wotan y fuego mágico [Acto III Escena 3].
Lester Lynch, barítono

Dur: 90’ (aprox.)

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Zacharias y Schumann

Abono iniciación

Christian Zacharias, pianista y director.


ROBERT SCHUMANN (1810 – 1856)

Manfred, Obertura Op. 115


ROBERT SCHUMANN (1810 – 1856)

Concierto para piano y orquesta en la menor Op. 54

I. Allegro affettuoso.
II. Intermezzo (Andantino grazioso) (attacca).
III. Finale (Allegro Vivace).

Christian Zacharias, piano.


ROBERT SCHUMANN (1810 – 1856)

Sinfonía nº 4 en re menor Op. 120

I. Ziemlich langsam. Lebhaft.
II. Romanze. Ziemlich langsam.
III. Scherzo. Lebhaft. Trio.

IV. Langsam. Lebhaft.

Dur: 100’ (aprox.)

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Concierto de Apertura.
Erik Nielsen, director.
Vanessa Goikoetxea, soprano.
San Juan Bautista Abesbatza (Dir: Basilio Astulez).

ANDRÉS ISASI (1890 – 1940)

El oráculo, Poema sinfónico op. 18


Herminie, Cantata para soprano y orquesta

Vanessa Goikoetxea, sopranoa / soprano.


Estreno absoluto.

JESÚS GURIDI (1886 – 1961)

Cuadros Vascos

I. Moderato tranquillo.
II. Vivace.
III. Tempo de espatadantza (Allegro – Tempo de Zortziko – Presto).

San Juan Bautista Abesbatza.



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Teatro Arriaga. LOS NIBELUNGOS – La muerte de Sigfrido

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Orchestra: Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa – BOS.
Director: Nacho de Paz.


In 1924, Fritz Lang undertook one of his most ambitious film projects: Los nibelungos, inspired by the epic poem “The song of the Nibelungs” and comprised up of the films The death of Siegfried and The revenge of Kriemhild. Arriaga Theatre and the Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa offer a special concert in which the BOS, conducted by Nacho de Paz, performs the music from the first of the two films in this project, The death of Siegfried (in the original “Siegfried Tod”), while the film is projected on a giant screen.

Larger than life, inspired by mediaeval Norse legends and enriched by the striking imagery of German expressionism, The death of Siegfried is a monumental performance. On presenting the story of Siegfried, Fritz Lang took full advantage of cinematic innovations and the creative vision of the artists of the production company Decla-Bioscop. The imposing trees, the treasure-filled caves, and the seventy-foot dragon were built to life-size scale in the studio’s workshops. Special effects technicians devised new formats and optical tricks when the perspective of the action was too immense to be reduced to the confines of a studio. The result – Siegfried – astounds, not only for re-narrating the intriguing 13th-century legend but also for the magical technical resources that brought it to life 700 years later.

Considered a masterpiece of German silent films, its soundtrack was composed by Gottfried Huppertz, whose music we were able to enjoy not long ago at the Arriaga in the concert-screening of Metropolis. His composition adds to the scenes as well as the characters. Barely three years after the centenary of its premiere, with the film restored and thanks to the recovery of the score preserved in the German Cinematex, we can now see this jewel of cinema on the big screen of Arriaga Theatre together with a live orchestra.

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Teatro Arriaga Antzokia. ÜBERBACH

Tickets: Überbach


Piano and director: Sebastian Knauer.
Vibraphone: Pascal Schumacher.
String orchestra: Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa – BOS.

Piano y dirección: Sebastian Knauer.
Vibrafono: Pascal Schumacher.
Orquesta de cuerdas: Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa – BOS.

The prestigious pianist Sebastian Knauer and the BOS string orchestra offer us a fascinating immersion in the musical universe of Johann Sebastian Bach, through the eyes of the Iranian composer Arash Safaian. Born in Teheran and resident in Munich, Safaian set out to reinterpret Bach’s music in a modern language. The result is an ensemble of five short concertos for piano, vibraphone and string orchestra which, in addition to spreading his success with audiences throughout Europe, has won him the Echo Klassik Prize in 2017 in the category of “Classical without borders”.

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Il Turco in Italia

Tickets: Il Turco in Italia


Selim Paolo Bordogna
Fiorilla Sabina Puértolas
Don Geronio Renato Girolami*
Don Narciso Juan José de León
Prosdocimo Pietro Spagnoli*
Zaida Marina Viotti*
Albazar Moisés Marín

Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa
Coro de Ópera de Bilbao

Music Director Christophe Rousset
Scene Director Emilio Sagi
Scenographer Daniel Bianco
Costumes Pepa Ojanguren
Light designer Eduardo Bravo
Chorus Director Boris Dujin

Coproduction Théâtre du Capitole de Toulouse, Ópera de Oviedo and Teatro Municipal de Santiago de Chile

*Debuting at ABAO Bilbao Opera

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Cinema Concert. Vertigo

Tickets: Vertigo


Vertigo (1958): Title in Spain: Vértigo (De entre los muertos)
Director:: Alfred Hitchcock
Music:: Bernard Herrmann
Orchestra:: Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa (BOS)
Conductor:: Anthony Gabrielle

Concert in collaboration with the Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa (BOS)

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ABAO Opera Season. Der Fliegende Holländer

Tickets: Der Fliegende Holländer


El Holandés: Sir Bryn Terfel*
Senta: Manuela Uhl*
Daland: Wilhelm Schwinghammer*
Erik: Kristian Benedikt*
Mary: Itxaro Mentxaka
Timonel: Roger Padullès

Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa
Coro de Ópera de Bilbao

Musical director: Pedro Halffter
Scene director: Guy Montavon
Scenographer and costumes: Hank Irwin Kittel*
Light designer: Guy Montavon
Bilbao Opera Chorus Director: Boris Dujin
EASO Chorus Director: Gorka Miranda Blanco

Production: Theater Erfurt

*Debuting at ABAO Bilbao Opera

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Mesías Participativo Bilbao 2019

Promotor: “la Caixa”

Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa (BOS)
Coral de Bilbao

Rowan Pierce, soprano
Victoria Simmonds, contralto
Ed Lyon, tenor
Henry Waddington, bajo

Coros participantes

Eamonn Dougan

La Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa y “la Caixa” organizan El Mesías Participativo Bilbao 2019.

Los conciertos participativos de “la Caixa” ofrecen una experiencia única que reúne a cantantes aficionados a la música coral junto con orquestas, solistas y directores de reconocido prestigio internacional para interpretar algunas de las obras del repertorio sinfónico-coral más emblemáticas de todos los tiempos.

Este año, más de 330 cantantes aficionados de Bilbao cantarán las partes corales de la obra desde sus butacas en el Palacio Euskalduna.

Después de meses de ensayos conjuntos, este proyecto musical y pedagógico culminará con una nueva y emocionante versión participativa de El Mesías, de G. F. Händel.

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