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ABAO: Tutti Verdi

Angela Meade, Soprano
Daniela Barcellona, Mezzosoprano
Sergio Escobar, Tenor
Claudio Sgura, Baritono
David Lagares, Bajo
Daniel Oren, Musical director
Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa
Director Boris Dujin, Coro de Ópera de Bilbao

*Debuting at ABAO Bilbao Opera

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Ballet completo (Orquesta)
Tiempo: 11 minutos

Coro de gitanos (Coro completo)
Tiempo: 5 minutos

Don Carlo
Aria – O don fatale (Princesa de Éboli)
Tiempo: 5 minutos

Un ballo in maschera
Aria – Eri tu (Renato)
Tiempo: 6 minutos


Acto III

Aria – QuiRadamèsVerrá… O patria mia (Aida)
Duetto – Ciel! Mio padre… Rivedrai le foreste imbalsamate (Aida, Amonasro)
Duetto – Pur ti riveggo, miadolce Aida (Radamès, Aida)
Filale II – (Aida, Radamès, Amonasro, Amneris)

Acto IV

Aria – L’aborritarivale a me sfuggia (Amneris)
Duetto – Già i Sacerdotiadunansi (Amneris, Radamès)
Scena del giudizio – (Amneris, Ramfis, Coro de hombres)
Scena e duetto – Morir! Si pura e bella! (Aida, Radamés)
Finale ultimo – (Aida, Amneris, Radamès, coro completo)

Tiempo: 1h y 10 minutos

Va pensiero (Coro completo)
Tiempo: 5 minutos

Himno de las Naciones
(Tenor y coro completo)
Tiempo: 14 minutos

PDF – Scena Concierto

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Kontzertuak Bizkaian 2022 – Gorliz

José María Usandizaga Soraluce, Suite, Op. 14, Prelude & Finale
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, txirula eta hari kontzertua re minorrean H. 425
Ludwig Van Beethoven, 8. sinfonia Fa maiorrean Op. 93
Isabel Rubio, zuzendaria
Josu Ferreras, txirula

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Kontzertuak Bizkaian 2022 – Lekeitio

José María Usandizaga Soraluce, Suite, Op. 14, Prelude & Finale
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, txirula eta hari kontzertua re minorrean H. 425
Ludwig Van Beethoven, 8. sinfonia Fa maiorrean Op. 93
Isabel Rubio, zuzendaria
Josu Ferreras, txirula

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Kontzertuak Bizkaian 2022 – Getxo

José María Usandizaga Soraluce, Suite, Op. 14, Prelude & Finale
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach, txirula eta hari kontzertua re minorrean H. 425
Ludwig Van Beethoven, 8. sinfonia Fa maiorrean Op. 93
Isabel Rubio, zuzendaria
Josu Ferreras, txirula

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“La tabernera del puerto”, Pablo Sorozabal (Kursaal Auditorium )

Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa: 100 años

Estrenada en Barcelona a las puertas de la Guerra Civil, en mayo de 1936, “La tabernera del puerto” es una de las zarzuelas más populares del compositor donostiarra y está considerada la última gran zarzuela de la historia. Sobran, por tanto, los motivos para recuperarla este año, con motivo del 125 aniversario del nacimiento de su autor.


Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa
Unai Urrecho, conductor
Landarbaso Abesbatza (Iñaki Tolaretxipi, choirmaster)
Miren Urbieta-Vega (Marola), Andeka Gorrotxategi (Leandro), Damián del Castillo (Juan de Eguía), Rubén Amoretti (Simpson), Ruth González (Abel), MariféNogales (Antigua), José Manuel Díaz (Chinchorro y Verdier), Alberto Núñez (Ripalda)


“La tabernera del puerto”, Pablo Sorozábal (concert version)

More information here

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Concert for Two Anniversaries Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa & Guggenheim Bilbao

Coinciding with the Museum’s 25th anniversary, the Bilbao Symphony Orchestra (BOS) is celebrating its 100th anniversary. To celebrate both anniversaries, the Museum will host a concert open to all visitors. The program will include Pictures at an Exhibition, the suite composed by Modest Mussorgsky for the memorial exhibition of his friend Viktor Hartmann. The music depicts Mussorgsky’s tour of the exhibition, with each of the ten numbers of the suite serving as a musical illustration of an individual work by Hartmann. Originally a piano composition, it was adapted by Maurice Ravel into a picturesque work for full symphony orchestra. In addition, BOS will play Andromède, a powerful, dense symphonic poem by unjustly forgotten French composer Augusta Holmès. It will be a great occasion to celebrate friendship and dialogue between the various arts.

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Location : Atrium
Point of sale : Admissions desk and website
Duration : 60
More info : Limited seating available. Discretionary use of face masks.
Once the performance starts, late arrivals will not be allowed in.

Web: Guggenheim

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Cookies Policy

Cookies Policy Cookies Please note that the Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa website uses cookies. A cookie is a small piece of information stored on a user’s computer by a website. Cookies are used because websites do not have a memory. A user that goes from one website to another is not recognised as the same user. … Continue reading “Cookies Policy”

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Madama Butterfly

Giacomo Puccini


  • Saturday May 21, 2022 7:00 PM
  • Tuesday May 24, 2022 7:30 PM
  • Friday May 27, 2022 7:30 PM
  • Saturday May 28, 2022 7:00 PM (*OB)
  • Monday May 30, 2022 7:30 PM

*OB: Opera Berri

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  • Cio-Cio San: Maria Agresta*
  • Cio-Cio San BERRI: Carmen Solís
  • Pinkerton: Sergio Escobar
  • Pinkerton BERRI: Javier Tomé
  • Suzuki: Carmen Artaza*
  • Sharpless: Damián del Castillo
  • Goro: Jorge Rodríguez-Norton
  • Kate Pinkerton: Marta Ubieta
  • Yamadori and Comisario: Jose Manuel Día
  • Uncle Bonzo: Fernando Latorre
  • Registry Officer: Javier Campo**
  • Yakuside: Gexan Etxabe
  • Cio-Cio San’s mother: Eider Torrijos**
  • Cio-Cio San’s aunt:: Leyre Mesa**
  • Cio-Cio San’s cousin: Olga Revuelta**
  • Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa
  • Coro de Ópera de Bilbao: Chorus Master Boris Dujin
  • Director musical: Henrik Nánási*
  • Director de escena: Stefano Monti
  • Coproduction Teatro Comunale di Modena / Teatro Municipale di Piacenza

*Debuting at ABAO Bilbao Opera
**Coro de Ópera de Bilbao


Benjamin Franklin Pinkerton, a US Navy officer, inspects a house on a hill close to Nagasaki overlooking the harbour. He is going to lease it from Goro, a helpful matchmaker. The house comes with three servants and a geisha wife called Cio-Cio San, who is known as Butterfly. The lease, according to Japanese custom, runs for 999 years, subject to monthly renewal. The American consul, Sharpless, arrives breathless from climbing the hill. Pinkerton describes his philosophy of the fearless Yankee roaming the world in search of experience and pleasures. He is not sure whether his feelings for the young Japanese girl are love or a mere whim, but he intends to go through with the marriage ceremony. Sharpless warns him that the girl may have a different view of the marriage, but Pinkerton brushes off such concerns and tells him that someday he will take a real American wife. He offers the consul whiskey and proposes a toast.

Butterfly arrives with her friends for the ceremony. In casual conversation after the formal introduction, the girl admits that she is only fifteen and explains that her family was once important but then lost their prominent position, due to which she has no option but to earn her living as a geisha. Her relatives arrive and chatter about such an unequal marriage. Cio-Cio San shows Pinkerton her meagre possessions and confesses that she has been to the Christian mission and intends to embrace her husband’s religion. The Imperial Commissioner reads the marriage agreement and the relatives congratulate the couple. Suddenly, a threatening voice is heard from afar: it is the Bonze, Butterfly’s uncle, a priest. He curses the girl for having been to the mission and rejecting her ancestral religion. Pinkerton orders everyone to leave and tries to console Butterfly with sweet words. Suzuki helps her into her wedding kimono before the couple meet in the garden, where they get carried away by passion.

When Act II starts, three years have passed and Cio-Cio San is waiting for her husband to return home. Suzuki prays to the gods for help, but Butterfly berates her for believing in Japanese gods rather than in Pinkerton’s promise to return one day. Sharpless appears with a letter from Pinkerton, but before he can read it to Butterfly, Goro arrives with the young girl’s latest suitor, the wealthy Prince Yamadori. Butterfly politely serves tea to the guests but insists that she is not available for marriage: her American husband has not deserted her and has promised that he would return one day. She asks Goro and Yamadori to leave. Sharpless attempts to read Pinkerton’s letter and suggests that perhaps Butterfly should reconsider Yamadori’s offer. In response, she presents the son she has had with Pinkerton to the consul. She says that his name is “Sorrow”, but when his father returns, he will be called “Joy”. Sharpless is too upset to continue reading the contents of the letter. He leaves, promising to tell Pinkerton about the child. A cannon shot in the harbour announces the arrival of a ship. Butterfly and Suzuki read its name from the terrace: it is Pinkerton’s. Overjoyed, Butterfly joins Suzuki in decorating the house with flowers. Night falls and Butterfly, Suzuki and the child settle into a vigil watching over the harbour.

Dawn breaks and Suzuki insists that Butterfly get some sleep. Butterfly carries the child into the house. Sharpless appears with Pinkerton and Kate, Pinkerton’s new wife. Suzuki realises who the American woman is and agrees to help break the news to Butterfly. Pinkerton is overcome with guilt and leaves to remember the days spent in the house. Cio-Cio San rushes in, hoping to find Pinkerton, but sees Kate instead. Grasping the situation, she agrees to give her son up, but insists that it must be Pinkerton who returns for him. After dismissing everyone, Butterfly takes out the dagger with which her father had committed suicide, as she prefers to die with honour rather than live in shame. She stops momentarily when the child comes in unexpectedly, but Butterfly takes him to the garden and goes behind a curtain. When Pinkerton arrives, calling out for her, the young woman stabs herself.

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by Johann Sebastian Bach

One of the crown jewels in the religious music of the incomparable Johann Sebastian Bach.

There is no better way to prepare for Christmas than by enjoying the music of Bach. The Arriaga Theatre hosts Weihnachtsoratorium BWV 248, which Bach wrote for the liturgical services of St. Thomas’ church in Leipzig 1734-1735, incorporating music from earlier compositions. In fact, these are six cantatas (three of which will be performed on this occasion) whose link is the narration of the birth of Christ and which were performed one by one at various Christmas festivals.

With the always intuitive and powerful foresight of Calixto Bieito and under the musical direction of Diego Martin-Etxebarria, one of our most international conductors, the Arriaga Theatre brings to the stage the Christmas Oratorio by Johann Sebastian Bach, undoubtedly one of the most popular works by the German composer. The optimistic and joyful spirit is maintained throughout the cantatas, with a finale that celebrates the victory of Jesus in his struggle to save humanity.

BACH: Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248. Cantatas no. 1, 2 and 3


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